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Editing a Movie

Multimedia for Learning

Artifact: IT 573 Final Multimedia Project

Description: This artifact is the culmination of experimenting with multimedia tools. I combined video, sound, and graphics to create video learning elements for an Adobe Premiere learning module.


Rationale: ​The design challenge was to make a chunked set of instructional video modules for beginner-level media students. I was the writer, actor, editor, and sound technician in this project, working alone. I spoke directly to the camera to maintain presence and attention to the audience. As opposed to being on a white or black wall with no details behind me, I recorded in my office space to offer a sense of personalization to the viewer. Using Mayer’s modality principle(Mayer, 2021, p.281), I talked through my process while showing the user how to perform tasks in the software. Videos are a combination of talent recorded on camera, screen captures using Apple Quicktime, and audio recorded using a high-end lavalier microphone.



Standard 1: Content Knowledge

Standard 2: Content Pedagogy

Standard 4: Professional Knowledge and Skills



This artifact was created in IT573 Multimedia Instruction with Dr. Holt. Reference: Mayer, R. E. (2021). Multimedia learning (3rd ed.). Cambridge University Press.

Artifact: JEM 336 Multimedia Responses and Announcements.

Description: JEM336 is an online class, due to COVID19. To make sure students stay engaged, I created personalized welcome videos and just-in-time instructional feedback.


Rationale: As our students were overwhelmed with online courses, my design challenge was to help them stay engaged through the use of updated and personalized video content. The video from the instructor in this class serves three distinct purposes:

  1. Class announcements are used when special events are interrupting a regular class schedule or if students have questions that the answer would benefit the rest of the class. These announcements are delivered via Canvas through text but I also record a custom video to relay the same information. The videos created are a just-in-time course aid to clarify questions or add more details to an assignment. The artifact below is an example of one of those videos.

  2. Discussion board responses can be submitted via text, images, audio, attachments, or video. JEM336 starts with a standard introduction discussion board activity. I will contribute to the discussion through text but also record a video talking through my response. See one of those here.

  3. Instructional lectures in JEM 336 are always live. I have yet to pre-record these. I want them to be in-the-moment while making myself available to answer questions and interact with the students.

Adding video responses to the announcements and discussion boards happens for two reasons. I want students to understand the more you actively produce video, the better you’ll become through practice. I also wanted the students to understand that I am an active and present instructor. These videos are always produced while keeping in mind Mayer’s personalization principle (2021) to communicate conversationally to the learner. 



This artifact was created as part of my adjunct instructor position for the College of Communications and Information.



Standard 1: Content Knowledge

Standard 2: Content Pedagogy

Standard 3: Learning Environments 

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