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Assessment and Evaluation

Artifact: Backyard Ecosystem Adventure

Description: The backyard ecosystem assignment was an introductory learning module that built storytelling into the learning experience. We included quick assessment within sections and a final quiz to evaluate student learning.

Rationale: The design challenge was understanding building assessments that felt native to the young learner audience. We designed some assessments within learning sections to give the appearance of a game while ending the module with a traditional multiple-choice quiz. The quizzes are designed to work within a desktop or mobile learning environment to allow the learner flexibility on course interaction. The final assessment result was delivered through a SCORM connection to the LMS.

A Video of our Backyard Ecosystem Assessments

View the website HERE.

Download the PDF below.


Standard 1: Content Knowledge

Standard 2: Content Pedagogy

Standard 3: Learning Environments 

Standard 4: Professional Knowledge and Skills

Standard 5: Research



This artifact was created in the Instructional Media Development course, IT578 with Dr. Holt. It was created with the assistance of my teammates Libby Farrelly and Alex Economous.

Artifact: Brightspace Content Tool Asynchronous Course

Description: The course design plan is a proposal to Austin Peay State University for an asynchronous training module for new and returning faculty for the Brightspace LMS. The specific module focuses on the Content Tool within the Brightspace LMS

Rationale: In this group project, the design challenge was to replace an in-person synchronous course with an updated asynchronous online class. This was a group project and my team member also served as the SME for the project. The course uses three of the four levels of evaluation in the Kirkpatrick evaluation model. To measure basic learner satisfaction will use level one of the Kirkpatrick model by offering an optional survey to the learner as a post-course evaluation. This is a passive tool to improve the overall quality of the course and to ensure learners are happy with the overall instruction. If negative feedback is gathered, the distance education team can further evaluate to clarify the instruction and revise as necessary. A level two evaluation will ensure basic learning occurred in the course by the distance education team reviewing the learner’s online courses shortly after the course. Finally, level three, transfer and behavior, can be measured at the end of the semester to check learner behavior continued to progress as courses developed.

Design Proposal Kirkpatrick Evaluation m

Table from our design plan in IT570


Standard 1: Content Knowledge

Standard 2: Content Pedagogy

Standard 3: Learning Environments 

Standard 4: Professional Knowledge and Skills

Standard 5: Research



This artifact was created in Instructional Systems Design, IT570 with Dr. Larson. It was created with the assistance of my teammate Michael Johnson.

Download the PDF of

the design plan below.

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